San Francisco’s 10 Big MLS Districts — Countless Possibilities
With its 7 hills (or is it 43?) San Francisco’s 49 square miles may not seem like a lot of space — and it really isn’t — but the variety you’ll find here is as immense as it is diverse. Here’s our attempt to give you a sampling of what you can buy here
There are far more neighborhoods than the 10 big geographic districts and numerous subdistricts that REALTORS use to organize the city in the Multiple Listing Service. Each neighborhood has its own set of dynamics, microclimates and architecture. The mood of a neighborhood can change in less than half a block — as can property prices. Trying to find the right property for you may well defy rational logic, forethought and budget. But part of the buying process is discovering those parts of the City that you may have never heard of before. Whatever the neighborhood we’ll provide context and candid commentary based on our experience and random knowledge of the City so that you’ll get the right property for you.